Chickens terrorised by.....

Jo Protherough

May 30, 2020
I got to the field early last night. No chickens. I could see that the coop doors were still open.... but no chickens. As i got closer i could see that all 24 chickens were stuffed into one corner of the coop, all fighting to be at the back. "Oh crap" i thought and ran in to find....

...a teeny little lamb that had managed to get through the fence. A 3 day old lamb. My two big roosters (both twice the height of the lamb) were hiding behind the hens.

I picked up Lambo and popped him back over with his mum (who told him off then fed him). The roosters then strutted about crowing for a bit but are now fooling noone.
I 'baby sat' for a bottle lamb one weekend, the chickens hated him.
Had to wait for the birds to go to roost before crating lamb in coop shed.
I got to the field early last night. No chickens. I could see that the coop doors were still open.... but no chickens. As i got closer i could see that all 24 chickens were stuffed into one corner of the coop, all fighting to be at the back. "Oh crap" i thought and ran in to find....

...a teeny little lamb that had managed to get through the fence. A 3 day old lamb. My two big roosters (both twice the height of the lamb) were hiding behind the hens.

I picked up Lambo and popped him back over with his mum (who told him off then fed him). The roosters then strutted about crowing for a bit but are now fooling noone.
Do u have a pic of the big scarey lamb 🤣🤣
Once we brought an injured lamb home, and our young son dropped the leash when he was near the horse's paddock. the lamb ran under the fence, and my mare went to kill him! She'd never seen sheep before, and I had to chase her off with a lunge whip to save his life. Opposite reaction, from an animal capable of handling smaller predators, unlike your chickens, but she also responded to a novel critter who she saw as a threat.
Our only sheep ever, and never again!

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