Chickie with legs bent back


9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
We have a chick that hatched on Saturday night that has it's legs both completely facing backwards, with her belly on the ground. Sunday it just looked like spraddle, so we did the bandaid, but now they are both backwards and the chick cannot stand. It doesnt seem to hurt to put them back under her. I am at a loss as to what to do to help.

Anyone have any ideas? I have 12 preschoolers asking me if I can fix her, and I need to either prepare them for do something!
i just had one to hatch and it did the same. legs out backwards. tried the bandaid and it didnt make it. sorry. i wish i could help more.
Thanks for the feedback. We have been really careful to keep the kids focus on the 'healthy' chicks. I am planning to tell them that we sent him to a friend of ours so she could fix him. Ironicly that's where our roosters go to also be "fixed" lol.

It's so hard, I get so attached to them. This has been a really hard hatch.

Thank you

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