Chicks and flies


11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
If the weather is nice we leave our front door open, so we tend to get flies. I noticed yesterday, while hubby was killing flies in the livingroom, that the chicks were chasing a couple flies that were fluttering around the light. I am almost positive one of the chicks caught one, because all of a sudden everyone was peep peeping very loudly and chasing one of the girls around! I called hubby in to is quite hilarious when one has something good, they play pass the treat!! I also caught hubby feeding them flies he had just stunned. Will it hurt the chicks to eat flies?

You are just increasing the chicks chances of getting tape worms, house flies are carriers. But in reality its impossible to prevent the chicks from eating them, Along with the 100's of other insects that they will eat that are also host to parasites. Personally I wouldn't intentionally feed them flies
I asked him not to feed them once I saw him doing it. He only fed them 1 besides the 1 they caught on their own. I hope that was just beginners luck!!
My chicks are a bit older probably than yours. They are all about 10wks old now. We have moved them outside and let them free range a bit on nice days when we're outside. They love eating flies and other bugs. I hope it won't hurt them cause they love them. They will chase one until they catch it. It's pretty fun watching them chase the bugs. Those chickens can sure run fast!
My chicks are less than a week old! I can't wait until they can go outside and enjoy the grass!!

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