Chicks are driving me mad!!!


In the Brooder
May 7, 2017
I'm really stuck, I have 3 6 week old chicks I did have 4 but sadly had to have it put to sleep, now I have a chick who chirps really loud high pitched chirps mainly at night, the rest are fine but she really goes for it! She's eating and drinking and is perfectly happy outside, when I put her back in cage during the day she's fine but at night she'll chirp so loud but if I open cage and sit by it she'll go quiet! What am I doing wrong? How can I stop this as obviously she'll be outside permanently soon and don't think neighbours will like it! Thanks
Usually when chicks chirp loudly they need or want something. May I ask why the one had to be put down? It my help with answering your question.
She had an absess on her chest which grew and put strain on her, the vet said she was probably born with it
I presume the chicks are still inside your house. Darkening the room at night may help.
Yes there are still inside while we finish
Some Chicks condition their owners to come running every time they chirp....I think that's all that is happening...Silly Chick....
yes I think that is what is happening lol oh well hopefully tonight they'll be in their newly built coop tucked up safe so I won't be able to come running

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