Chicks, coop, and pen **pics**


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
South Carolina
Here are some pics of our chics in their new home. Please feel free to offer advice, comments, etc.
The coop is 4x4 with 8 nesting boxes. We have 15 chickens that will hopefully live in it when they're hrown

4x4 is tight. I just built one that size after loads of research on this website. Max in that coop is 4 adult chickens. Everyone says allow 4 feet per chicken. I have 4 medium size and 1 bantam.
I agree, that is pretty tight for 15 chickens. I have 10 (8 normal size, 2 bantam) and we are doing and 8x5 coop plus an 8x16 run as well.
The coop is 4x4 but the pen is 24x14 and the meeting boxes add another foot to the outside of coop. Nesting box size is not included in coop size
The coop is 4x4 but the pen is 24x14 and the meeting boxes add another foot to the outside of coop. Nesting box size is not included in coop size
Nice set-up!
As far as the coop size goes, the recommended, ideal size is to allow 4 square feet of coop floor space per if you have 15 birds (large fowl) you want about 60 square feet of coop for them (like a 6'x10' shed,etc.). If you ever have to close them up for weather or nightly for security reasons they will be pretty crowded in a 4x4' coop and they will end up picking on each other.
I have a 4'x5' coop (and the nest boxes were jutting off of it--don't include the nest boxes because that is not floor space they would be living on) that I kept 12 hens in for a while until I had a larger coop for them--it was really tight. They were pretty mean to each other, no one had enough room --it was for a short time but I would definitely recommend you add on if possible. If your set-up is secure fencing/predator proof maybe you won't need to close them in since you are down south. In Ohio I've got to have a place to keep them in--rain, snow, ice, heat, foxes, raccoons, hawks...etc!
Best of luck and enjoy your feathered critturs!

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