Chick's feet are dead. Do I have to kill her?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
NW Arkansas - Huntsville
I'm heartbroken and don't know what to do....

The toes on both feet are black... I saw
an image somewhere that looked just
like her feet.....

Someone wrote that there's nothing to
do and that the chick should just be

Her ankles are now very puffy... I'd
think that she'd be in pain....

she is constantly making noise and I'm
hearing it as cries of pain... It feels horrible
to keep her alive and horrible to think of
killing her...

she walks about and eats just fine...
I will really appreciate some help/

thank you

There are some cases on here recently about chickens with both feet frozen. She may lose both feet. It all depends on whether you want to try keeping her as a special needs chicken. I know of a few on here who have one with several missing toes who do okay. I'm sure she is hurting, so I would do what I felt was best. If she is a vigorous chicken normally who is high up in the pecking order, she may do okay, but will need to learn how to walk on her stumps. Here is one recent case to read about:
I agree with eggceessive, do what you think is best. If you feel that euthanizing her would best, then do that.

Don't feel bad or guilty if you decide to put her down, sometimes it is better to end their pain than try to doctor them, and that is okay.

If you decide to treat her condition, than that is okay too. I have heard of one duck that learned to hobble around on stumps after loosing his feet to frostbite, so it is possible to heal them with dedicated care.
Unfortunately, she is the baby of the
bunch of latest hatches... and small
because her mother was a Bantum Buff

there is not much that I feel guilty about
anymore..... except when an animal
gets hurt because of my ignorance...
I can't close my eyes without seeing/
hearing her

Thank you so very much for your
support and your guidance....

I will be knitting sweaters, booties and
scarves for all of my chicklettes for
next winter ;)


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