chicks leg HELP!!


8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Central California (Denair/Turlock)
I posted this in Raising chicks section also

This chick hatched with its leg curled behind it and its toes are messed up to. it cant stand up and just lays there. what can i do to help its leg??

If its not broken, i think it would be okay to wrap it with vet rap to try and staiten it out. Hope it all works out! Keep us posted on the little guy! Good luck!
Has the chick tried to stand/walk, or even move about? How does it do? If you try very gently to move the leg, can you move it into its correct position? If you are able to move it, maybe the treatment for splayed or spraddle leg will work. Here is a link with step-by-step instructions. I hope someone with more experience will come along soon for you. In the meantime, it might help to give us as many details as you can about how the chick and leg move.
ok thank u ill try that. its not broken. it can move it. when it came out of the egg some yellow stuff was wrapped around this leg. ill post how it does

It's a good sign that the leg can move, so hopefully you can straighten it out
Athletic tape and popsicle sticks may help,

Athletic tape adheres to itself

Oh, may have some useful vet info

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