Chicks of different ages together


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2015
We went to feed store yesterday to get our new chicks. They ended up only having 1 of the 4 breeds we are planning on getting. So next week we'll be getting 4 more chicks, and the week after an additional 4 chicks. Can they all be together or do we need to separate them?
We went to feed store yesterday to get our new chicks. They ended up only having 1 of the 4 breeds we are planning on getting. So next week we'll be getting 4 more chicks, and the week after an additional 4 chicks. Can they all be together or do we need to separate them?
I think the temp. difference will be too large, especially for the last group.
So, the maximum age gap between the 1st batch and 3rd batch would be 2 weeks, right? If so, you may be able to keep them together. Each time you get a new batch, use a screen to partition the brooder so the old and new chicks can see each other for a day. Then remove the partition (ideally at night under low-light conditions).

There will be some chasing and pecking, but they should be OK if they're in the same size class (e.g., large fowl). Monitor them to make sure everyone is getting along. Adding 4 to 4 is a much better scenario than adding 1 to 4, or 4 to 1, as the single chick then becomes a target. I would not recommend adding bantams to large fowl chicks, as the size difference is too great.

As far as temperature is concerned, you could hold the temp around 85 degrees for the 2 week period you're introducing the 2nd and 3rd batch.
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Thanks for the input! Yes, the maximum space between the first and last batch will be two weeks. And they are all going to be the same size class. My first two are Americaunas. The next four will be two Buff Orpingtons and two Barred Rocks. Then the last four will be Black Australorps.
I have done this with my own chicks when I have had weekly hatches, I think once I ended up with a chick that was 3 weeks different and managed to do a slow introduction and it worked OK. With that one I pulled one chick and made them buddies for a few days then put the two together in and it worked fine. Have to watch carefully though. This was with my own hatches though, they tend to be more vigorous than the hatchery chicks.

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