hot day here in Connecticut, about 90 and humid — but not nearly as extreme as what you guys in the south deal with for months at a time!
my 9 week old chicks are out in deep shade, on grass, busy foraging and catching flies but also spending time resting. when they’re laying around I’m noticing them panting. they have cool fresh water, and I have refrigerated vegetable and fruit scraps for them. is there anything else I need to do? I know panting is part of their regulating body temp in high heat and is normal, but I also understand heat can be tough on them. I have barred rocks, buff orpingtons, easter eggers and a black australorp. thanks!
my 9 week old chicks are out in deep shade, on grass, busy foraging and catching flies but also spending time resting. when they’re laying around I’m noticing them panting. they have cool fresh water, and I have refrigerated vegetable and fruit scraps for them. is there anything else I need to do? I know panting is part of their regulating body temp in high heat and is normal, but I also understand heat can be tough on them. I have barred rocks, buff orpingtons, easter eggers and a black australorp. thanks!