Okay, here's what I find this morning when we get up:
I have him/her isolated from the others, and thought the problem was controlled, now I have three more with bald, pecked bums!!
What am I doing wrong?
They are in a large rubbermaid brooder with ample space, water, feed and pine shavings.
I can't have them all separate. I all ready have them in 2 bins, plus I have the wounded three separated with their wounds, because even the pecked ones are pecking the other pecked ones!!!
I have him/her isolated from the others, and thought the problem was controlled, now I have three more with bald, pecked bums!!
What am I doing wrong?
They are in a large rubbermaid brooder with ample space, water, feed and pine shavings.
I can't have them all separate. I all ready have them in 2 bins, plus I have the wounded three separated with their wounds, because even the pecked ones are pecking the other pecked ones!!!