Chicks Scared of the Dark


Apr 16, 2022
Provo, Utah
we have 2 silkies, an americana, and wyendotte, and a plymouth rock chicks, and they are in the brooder which is the bathtub. we have a fan that is connected to the light with the same light switch, which helps the air circulate. when we turn it off, and it is dark, they all freak out, and do the kind of chirp that is like screaming “I AM BEING MURDERED!” it takes them like 20 minutes to calm down when the lights go out, is that normal?
Oh I don't know. My chicks are in the dark at night & they don't seem to mind it at all. I have a parrot who is in pitch black at night & covered. B/c they need at least 12 hours of sleep each night. So, I just assumed the chicks should be in the dark as well. Growing chicks need their proper rest. I've had them for 10 days now & no screeching/screaming when I say good night & turn off the lights. I'm very interested to read the responses.

Best of luck to you!
Completely normal. And yes it'd be preferable if you could either gradually dim the light, or let in some natural light at dusk so they don't go from light to dark in an instant. That way they can prepare for bed by getting a last bite of food or a last drink, and then tuck themselves under/near your heat source.

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