Chicks stomach and ribs just don't look normal?

crazy chook

9 Years
Apr 8, 2010
Langwarrin, Victoria
This is a photo of a 3 week old chick with splayed legs and I suspect other problems. The bandage legs did not work at all and I suspect that there is something else wrong with this little one. I took a photo of the underside and have marked a circle where there seems to be a soft lump under the skin. Is that normal? There is also a bone that sticks out that I have indicated with an arrow. I have never looked that closely to the underside of my other chickens at this age. I really don't know what else I can do for this chick. She uses her wings to help her get around and is still eating and drinking.

don't know, doesn't look entirely normal, but meanwhile might be good to gently soak that dried poop off her backside.
Yes, I do that every morning. Probably should have done it before I took the photo. But when you first turn her upside down the lump is so pronounced and the lone sticks out.
I am not sure what to do with her, I am struggling to fix the splayed legs.
I think the bump is her sternum, (base of the area the ribs come together) that looks normal. Belly looks like a bird who is spending a lot of time not standing up, reminds me of the cornish cross meat birds who are too heavy and spend a lot of time on their bellies. THe finer feathers wear off and some of the bigger feathers become ingrown and infected. I think this is all because of the splay leg, give it some more time and maybe softer bedding. I have had a few splay leg chicks, I keep them with just one other chick, and given time they usually recover and walk normally.
I woke up this morning and she has managed to pull the band-aid off one of her legs. So i have put a new one on her.

I also noticed on the right side of her neck there seems to be an air sack just under the skin that is quite large.

She lives in the house on the dinning room table with a runt that would not hurt a fly, I also put two little day old bantams with her witch seemed to perk her up a little.

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