Chicks wing is sticking out


5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
Beaverton, OR
I just wanted to find out if this is ok or if something could be wrong. My Cuckoo Marans chick has her wing popping out. The other chicks dont seem to be pecking at it and it doesnt seem to be causing pain. And I apologize for the mess ;)

Any suggestions? Ive heard it could be genetics? Or nutrition even? I'm hoping it's not dislocated...they are on Scratch n Peck's corn and soy free starter and have been offered chick grit. I've also been adding organic Apple Cider vinegar with the mother to their water. Should I be adding the vitamin powder instead?
Looks like your chick had an accident to me

I have a gander who ran off the porch several years ago
when he was only about 4 weeks old and it took several
days to catch him but we tried to fix it but being he was
so small and my hands so old I wound up keeping him
as he was not sell able in that condition but he pulls out
his wing feathers each year ...

That's him lower right corner of the flock ....

This is Baby watching the T.V. out in the shop ....
Ya he is a pest and T.V. addict and more so when it is
very hot or windy outside .....

Did you know a Mason jar will fit them feeders and the
weight will help in keeping them chicks from nocking it
over or standing on top and leaving droppings in the
feed ...

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Thanks for the reply. Is there anything I can do for her? I don't want to leave it like that if I can help heal it.

Your hands are young so maybe if you get some help
you can move it back but chicks can move a bit so if
you have help then by all means try to move it back to
where it belongs and this is a very small bone right
on the tip of his wings and less then a 1/4 inch long ...
Your hands are young so maybe if you get some help
you can move it back but chicks can move a bit so if
you have help then by all means try to move it back to
where it belongs and this is a very small bone right
on the tip of his wings and less then a 1/4 inch long ...
I was able to get her out, but I have no idea what Im doing. I can move it but I cant get it to go back to where it should be. Is there a technique to it? Im afraid of damaging her wing more, but I really want to get her right again.
When you move the tip of the wing it is going to smart something horrible ...

But look at her other wing and you need to get it back to where it belongs
and the longer you take the longer less likely you will get it to go back ..

It is going to be a snap as it is out of the socket or worse the tip is broken ....

So you will need to do a lot of feeling around first because if it is broken
then ,,,, well check first ...
When you move the tip of the wing it is going to smart something horrible ...

But look at her other wing and you need to get it back to where it belongs
and the longer you take the longer less likely you will get it to go back ..

It is going to be a snap as it is out of the socket or worse the tip is broken ....

So you will need to do a lot of feeling around first because if it is broken
then ,,,, well check first ...

Oh I'm nervous! Will it be an audible snap? I'll try to get some better pics of it too
So I've been trying to work with the wing and I can get it to look normal but it never stays that way. Lots of unhappy noises from the chick too :( I'm beginning to think it's broken now

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