Hi there! My pullets are 8 weeks old and looking great! Their coop is finished now and there amazon bought coop house is looking quite good in the enclosed run. I have been putting my pullets in at night since they were 6 weeks old and were moved outside permanently. I want to eventually be able to just go out at 8:00 and find them all in their coop house and just slide the ramp door closed. But I have unfortunately run into an issue. My pullets, instead of going in themselves, will fly on to the roof of the coop house and begin to fall asleep 4 1/2 feet off the ground. I then have to pick up one pullet at a time and place the pullet inside the coop house. They've done this for 3 nights in a row and I'm starting to get worried they won't stop. Once I put them in their coop house they're fine but they won't go in on their own! I let them out every morning and they come flying out right over the ramp they're supposed to walk down and land in the run in a pile of feathers where they proceed to leap up and begin to nonchalantly peck at the hay. This is starting to get on my nerves so any advice on how to get them to go in their coop house by themselves is greatly appreciated! Below is a picture of my coop inside my run.