children and dogs

Tab's chicken obsession

9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
Our friends were visiting this weekend before going to their new duty station ( they're navy). Well their 3yr old let their golden retreiver into our juvenile pen. I lost 2 of the 3 BLRW pullets I got for my birthday last weekend. I'm so disappointed. I know he didn't mean for my babies to be hurt and :(he didn't know any better, but I'm still upset. I've had such a hard time getting BLRW and they're my favorite.
Tab's chicken obsession :

Our friends were visiting this weekend before going to their new duty station ( they're navy). Well their 3yr old let their golden retreiver into our juvenile pen. I lost 2 of the 3 BLRW pullets I got for my birthday last weekend. I'm so disappointed. I know he didn't mean for my babies to be hurt and :(he didn't know any better, but I'm still upset. I've had such a hard time getting BLRW and they're my favorite.

I am sorry for your loss. - But I must say this NEVER EVER EVER leave a toddler alone with a dog!!!! I know you lost your chicks but that child was left unattended with that Dog to be able to do that!!!!!!!! Please even if your Dog is the nicest Dog in the whole world NEVER leave it alone with a toddler who may do something to annoy it like pull its tail or put exploring fingers up its nose or in its ears!!!!!!
Please don;t take this the wrong way - I am the mum of 4 grown up kids and a baby grandchild . We have always had Dogs as we rescue them.

You are a very lucky person NOT TO HAVE LOST THE TODDLER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your upset over the pullets but please be minful of the child. YOU CAN AND WILL get more Pullets you cannot replace that child!!!!!!!!! I know the Dog and child were not yours - but they were your guests and on your property!!!!!!!!!! Please remind them of basic safety!!!!!!!!!!

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I would hope that your friends wll volunteer to replace your lost pullets, with the only question being where to acquire them, and if you want to make the selections. If htey do not make the offer, you need to let them know that this was your birthday present, and very special to you. If THAT gentle nudging doesn't make an impact, flat out ask for the $$$ and make hotel reservations for the rest of their stay.

Not sure how long they will be staying with you, but I suggest toddler-proofing everything. Latches too high for the child or actual locks on places he/she should not get into or exit from, cabinet locks, etc. Exactly what all needs to be dealt with will depend on whether he is an older or younger three.

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