Chilled Chick-Think I Dodged a Bullet


12 Years
Sep 30, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Hi all!

The other day I got four 1-week-old (or so) Black Australorp and four Buff Orpington chicks, and put them into the little pen in my backyard. I had another group of chicks, but they are about 7 weeks old now, and they can roam around the fenced in yard.

Anyway, I went to water my veggie garden with the sprinkler, and forgot the the itty-bitty babies would be in the line of fire. They got soaked.

7 of the 8 looked fine. Wet and ticked off, but they were running around, eating, cuddling, etc.

Number 8 did not look fine. A Black 'Lorp. She was huddled next to the cat carrier I use as a shelter for the chicks. She was sitting down, closed eyes, head drooped. Drenched.

I scooped her out and... ahem... popped her into my bra. I wanted to keep her warm and have my hands free at the same time. No, I didn't take a picture. Pervs.

Anyway, I brought her inside and set up a small box with a heating pad and t-shirt, and set her in it. She stayed about the same, making mournful, quiet little "peeps" every few seconds. I got her to take a little warmed sugar water.

I just looked in on her a minute ago, and she's fluffy, bright-eyed, looking around, and peeping inquisitively. She took some more sugar water mixed with her normal food. I think she's going to be OK.

I'm really irritated with myself, because of that silly mistake. I know little ones can't regulate their body temps very well. Hopefully this little gal will pull through.
My goodness, with all the poor chicks that have been getting wet today, I think I am going to invent a chick rain coat or something, I could make a fortune.

Glad she is doing better, sounds like you were very lucky.
Well, I'm afraid the little one didn't make it through the night. I noticed that her crop was almost empty, so I am wondering if maybe she was already not doing well, and getting chilled was just the final straw.

Poor little mite. Oh well, she will become compost and go toward making our veggies grow in the fall. Circle of life.
Sorry to hear about your chick.

Don't put her in the compost. You aren't supposed to put any meat or grease in the compost at all.

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