Chocolate Turkeys


11 Years
Mar 18, 2008
I am looking for some chocolate turkeys, prefer baby or eggs to hatch on my own.. I am in Northern NY and would love to find some. My niece, who is 26, loves turkies and has three as pets and she would love to add a few more to her family.. Any info is greatly appreciated!
What you are likely looking for is what is called "auburn"

Check out sand hill preservation.

I have heard them refered to as chocolate a number of times.
We got our first turkeys (Royal Palms) from Porter's. Here in Indiana, they are devoping different HERITAGE colors. They are awesome people and their birds are too! I HIGHLY reccommend them.

A link to their chocolates:
Kevin Porter, as well as several of the hatcheries have the Chocolate Turkeys this
year, they seem to be the big hit of the
S and S Poultry
Thanks so much for your kindness and replies. I will look into all of your info and see what i can come up with. But in the meantime if anyone knows of any please IM me or post here a reply. Thanks so much!
We got our Royal Palms from Jill and Kevin, they are beautiful birds. They also worked with me a few years back when i lost 2 bators full of eggs in a 3 day power outage. Their great people!

I only know of 2 other breeders besides myself that I know of. McMurrays at one time carried them, I do not know if they still do. Porter Heritage turkeys sells eggs and then myself. They are a great breed. Dark milk chocolate colored with barring on the wings and tail. Quite with a great dispostion. The are a heavy bird and a pretty good layer. There are some eggs listed on if you are interested or you can email me privately and I can give you porters email if you want to contact him instead. They were very popular prior to the civil war and then fell out of favor with breeders. Walters hatchery I think was instrumental in saving them. I was very lucky to get to spend the day with Mr. Walters when I went to get my stock.


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