chukar cage requirements


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
how big should a cage housing 6 to 8 chukar be can it be on the ground or on legs should the bottom be made of hardware cloth or no bottom if on the round please answer thanks
The bigger the better. I would do something like 6'x12'. They should only be on the ground if you live in a dry climate or have a roof over the pen. I house 1 male to 3 females in 6'x6' pens. This gives them room to run around and drag there wing on the ground for there display.
1/2" X 1/2" wire for the bottom is better then 1/2" X 1 " for young chukars . For some reason quail do well on the 1 X 1/2 but chukars do not.
if your ground is wet where you are blackhead can be a problem I live almost in a marsh is why mine are on wire I have a breeder 30-40 miles from me keeps them on the ground with pigeons and cali quail in the same aviary
I thought the same tony he has only had them like that for 6 months maybe a year now I was kina wondering how it worked out for him I have not checked in with him lately I bought a coupla male birds for my hens last season and Isolated them for a few weeks before introducing them to my little flock.

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