Cinnamon Queen - hen or roo?


May 29, 2020
This chick is 4 weeks old. I have one roo that is now 8 weeks old and I cannot have more than 1 rooster. Cinnamon is the only one that stands up to my roo. It looks like Cinnamon has little bumps on the back of it's legs...beginnings of spurs?? I really need to know the sex of thos one before it gets touch older so I can go trade it in if neccessary. I'm hoping it's a pullet because I have grown quite fond of this little sweetie!
Cinnamon Queens are called Queens because they’re sex linked. It’s not possible for it to be a boy if it has “cinnamon” coloring. ;)
Thank you! I appreciate your response. I'm still learning as I go but I had read that chicks from the second generation will not be color sexable and will come in multiple colors. So, that's why I'm concerned but I guess I'll hope for the best that this is a 1st generation amd is in fact female! 🐤😃
Thank you! I appreciate your response. I'm still learning as I go but I had read that chicks from the second generation will not be color sexable and will come in multiple colors. So, that's why I'm concerned but I guess I'll hope for the best that this is a 1st generation amd is in fact female! 🐤😃
If it’s from a hatchery or farm store it’s definitely first generation. They’re large birds with more production in them so I wouldn’t be surprised she stands up to the others!

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