City girl gone farm animals

Power Ranch

In the Brooder
Nov 9, 2018
Searching for knowledge about baby turkeys bought online and received by mail. Received one turkey and nine chicks by mail. Two other chicks were dead upon arrival. Baby turkey was very weak and distressed. Immediately separated and warmed while holding. Placed under heat light with baby chicks, and died within an hour of arrival. Have another one coming and want to be more prepared.
Searching for knowledge about baby turkeys bought online and received by mail. Received one turkey and nine chicks by mail. Two other chicks were dead upon arrival. Baby turkey was very weak and distressed. Immediately separated and warmed while holding. Placed under heat light with baby chicks, and died within an hour of arrival. Have another one coming and want to be more prepared.
Not your fault. The shipper wasn't being careful.
Turkeys are more fragile initially. They need to be taught to eat and drink. They also require a slightly higher temperature for the first week. Make sure you have some sort of quick energy in your water. Some use electrolytes, I personally have always put one teaspoon of brown sugar to a quart of water that first few days.

Poults need a bit more attention initially. They are better off with other turkeys. Raising a single one with chickens isn't the best idea. Turkeys need to know they are turkeys, otherwise they will interact with chickens like they are turkeys and that doesn't always go well once they are mature.
Glad you could join our flock! We are sure you'll love it here, so pull up a roost!

So sorry about your chicks! That was the shippers fault for not being careful. It is not you fault, so don't blame yourself. It sounds like your as prepared as you can be for your new chicks, just make sure that they are not too hot or too cold. Have an area for them to go if they get hot. For example, when we have chicks, we have a really long box that we put the heat lamp on one side and the other side is where the food and water is plus they can go over there to cool down because the heat does not effect them there. Make sure that their poop doesn't build up and cause them to get an infection from it. Clean out the area you are keeping them in at least every month. Good luck!

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