Clara was taken today. UPDATE!! FOUND!

Mommy 2 Wee Ones

8 Years
May 19, 2011
North Texas
Went out to give the girls some mashed potatoes & bread an hour ago, and while I was doing my headcount I noticed I was missing one. I checked inside the cinder block, up on the shelf, nothing. All the girls were puppy piled in the dirt, but our little Light Brahma Clara.
I saw no holes, and no feathers were around (all but the ones I sweep out of the coop during cleaning day).
Here & her sister Lena were the last chicks we got, they are 7 weeks now, and as big as our 9 week old EE.


Clara is the one to the right (more white), this was taken about 2 weeks ago, no more fuzzy head.
I feel sad for Lena, she & Clara slept together on the roost at night, hope the 3 EE will let her cuddle with them at night.

Will miss you baby girl.

Hubby went out to the coop again, and saw Lena standing on top and pecking the rubbermaid dish tub container. He lifted it & out came Clara (ALIVE & WELL).

Thank You God for keeping my Clara safe.
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I'm so sorry for your loss. I have almost 2 week old Leghorns we hatched out and we lost one during the 1st week to illness. I hardly had time to attach to her and I still felt badly about it.

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