Cleaning dried poop from end of toes?


14 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Southern California
One of the chicks I got last week (a BO) has some tried poop on the very end of it's toes that is hard as a rock.. I ran the foot under some luke warm water hoping I could pick it off but only got a itty bitty amount off.. It does not bother the bird but she didn't like it when I tried to pry it off either while holding the rest of the foot in place.. I'm sure I could whittle it off with an exacto knife but don't want to take any chances.. Will this fall off as the chick grows older or should I work at removing it now?
I will eventually come off. I would not be concerned at all... if you do try to use an exacto knife, I predict you are going to start another thread entitled "Need Help Fast, I Just Cut My Chick's Toe Off! Should I Sew It Back On?!?!"
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