Clear Nasal Discharge and Lethargic

Jen Hanwright

Dec 7, 2015
I have a 3 year old buff orpington that is very lethargic, does not have any interest in food/water, and has a lot of clear discharge coming out of her nose (continuous drip). Overall she has been a healthy bird but she did have mites over this past summer which I treated her for immediately. Whatever is going on with her came on in a single day as she was out and about behaving normally yesterday. My birds are completely free all day and have a very large regularly cleaned coop so I don't think it would be air quality. I will call a vet tomorrow but in the meantime, input would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to BYC. Is she sneezing, having noisy breathing, or have watery eyes? Most of the time runny noses in chickens can be from a respiratory infection. If the crop is full and not emptying, sometimes there can be drooling from the beak. It's good that you are looking at air quality, since good ventilation, preventing dust and ammonia odors can help to prevent illness. Respiratory diseases can be did divided into viruses, such as infectious bronchitis and ILT, bacterial or mycoplasmal diseases,such as MG or coryza, and fungal diseases from mold, such as asperfillosis.
thanks for your response. She is not sneezing and her breathing seems normal. I don't believe her eyes are watering. The drainage mainly came out when I re positioned her. It seems to slow when she is sitting there. I was examining her so moving her around seemed to make it flow out. Is there anything you would recommend in the short term? I have put her in her own separate space so nobody is able to pick on her with her own water and food and comfy place to sit (since sitting is all she seems willing to do). again, any input is greatly appreciated!
Has she been recently laying eggs or has she stopped? Lethargy in an older hen sometimes can be from internal laying. I would just offer her some electrolytes and vitamins in her water, and try to get her to drink. Is her crop empty, or does it feel full? Has she lost weight in her breast area when you feel of her keel or breastbone? I would also check her again for lice and mites, and you could glove up and check her for egg binding with a finger inserted about an inch into her vent. Keep her warm.
thanks for the feedback on this! the vet believes it to be a case of e coli so hopefully she will pull through with what he has given us.
Does the vet think the E.coli is in her abdomen, or a complication of a respiratory disease (air sacculitis?) E.coli is pretty serious. Hopefully the antibiotics will help.
No respiratory issues. He believed it was just e coli. He said she could have drank from a dirty puddle somewhere but there was no real way to be sure of the source since they free range in such a large space all day. She hung on for a few days but died on Saturday. It was a major bummer for sure.
Welcome to BYC. Is she sneezing, having noisy breathing, or have watery eyes? Most of the time runny noses in chickens can be from a respiratory infection. If the crop is full and not emptying, sometimes there can be drooling from the beak. It's good that you are looking at air quality, since good ventilation, preventing dust and ammonia odors can help to prevent illness. Respiratory diseases can be did divided into viruses, such as infectious bronchitis and ILT, bacterial or mycoplasmal diseases,such as MG or coryza, and fungal diseases from mold, such as asperfillosis.

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