CLEAR worms on a young chicken's eye


7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
I was recently adopted by a young chicken in Hawaii who has these little clear worms wriggling over the surface of her eye... I've been looking around and all I've found is info on chicken worm eye, which is a little white worm that imbeds itself in the corner of the chicken's eye... These worm-like things are clear and I can see them on her eye not at the corner... Is this the same thing but in an earlier state? Please help!
Posted by dawg53 earlier this evening

You might be dealing with eyeworm. Look very closely into the corners of her eyes/tear duct area and see if you can see a very thin whitish in color worm, about 1/4 inch long or abit longer. If she has been scratching her eyes, that's a good indicator of eyeworm also.
If in fact it's eyeworm, treatment is valbazen. Mix equal parts of valbazen and water and flush the eyes with it. It wont hurt her. Then orally dose your hen with 1/2cc valbazen undiluted. Repeat again in 10 days. Acting lethargic is usually a sign of worms as well. The valbazen will take care of all of them.

Purchase the 500ml bottle only. It'll last you a long time.
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Hi there. It is eye worm. I also live in Hawaii and have had several chicks that had eye worm. You can see the transparent little worms wriggling across the surface of the chicken's eye. They usually stay in the upper eyelid. There are drops that you can apply, though I do not know what they are called. I was lucky enough to have them removed by someone more knowledgeable and experienced than I was. Hope someone can give you more information on how to treat eye worm. Good luck!
Thank you both so much! I'm out later today to pick up stuff at the store for her. Thanks again!

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