clipping nails


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
a few of my hens have pretty long nails.i was wondering if it is neccessary to clip their nails or should i let them go?if i need to clip will i be able to see the quick?
If the nails get too long, they could interfere with walking/perching and the bird could get hurt if it snags in something. Make sure that you use a good nail trimmer, I use a guillutine dog toenail clipper. If you can't see the quick and the bird is light skinned, you could try washing the feet off. If the quick is not visible, try to find a bird in your flock who is about same size/breed/sex with similar size feet. Use that birds nails as a basic guide. Also, have some blood stop powder ready in case you cut too close. If you cut the quick, you will want to apply the powder to stop the bleeding.
Some of my banties are in cages..due to hawks so I have to clip nails all the time. I clip nail and sprinkle a little corn starch on them to stop bleeding if needed. Chickens can bleed to death if you clip the quick and do nothing.
When I have to trim nails and can't see the quick I just clip off a little bit, wait a few days to let the quick recede, clip a little bit more, wait, clip... until the nails are the right length.

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