Closed Eyes at 6 days


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Jemez Springs
My chicks are about 6 days old. I noticed last night one is keeping its eyes closed a good amount of time, there is no crust or goo. And its eyes were open before this. Doesn't look like it had been pecked by the others. Suggestions on what to do? Tonight I plan on dabbing them with warm water on a paper towel.
My chicks are about 6 days old. I noticed last night one is keeping its eyes closed a good amount of time, there is no crust or goo. And its eyes were open before this. Doesn't look like it had been pecked by the others. Suggestions on what to do? Tonight I plan on dabbing them with warm water on a paper towel.
could be dehydrated. if you dont see them drinking dip your finger in the water and put the drop on their beak. if they are dehydrated they should perk right up.
Thanks. I put warm water on her eyes and I put some sugar water in a dropper and she drank it up. So I kept her out and had a bowl of sugar water which she loved. This morning she seems better.
I dont know if its really needed but i always use my finger and let the babie know where the water is. and i always at least the first day get them to drink a cpl drops off the tip of my finger.. I also noticed some are really dumb about it so i use the marbles in the water and the day olds just cant resist pecking a marble so they find the water faster.
She is doing great. Still the smallest of the bunch, but tough. I have marbles in the water, now that they are almost two weeks old do I still need them?

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