Clyde - doing what he loves the most * PICS *


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
well here is my little banty guy - giving DH the what for !! he LOVES to chase Jeff out of the chicken every time Jeff is in there !!



as you can see Clyde is not a big rooster ( he just thinks he is LOL )

which one the guy or the rooster LOL

these were taken yesterday afternoon - Clyde is perfect acting totally back to normal - the wing looks a little sore but he is not favoring it as much anymore.

thank you so much for all your help - my baby boy is back to chasing DH around the yard

lol. I was so worried about clyde. well its good that he is back to being an agreesive roo to your hubby lol. I cant believe that 16" chicken can chase your hubby away lol
I just totally love that little rooster - the first roo we had was a rather large roo and he was very mean - we had to rehome him and than Clyde turned out to me a he instead of a she - I was so afraid of keeping him - but I am so glad I did.

Stevie - it is so funny to watch them every time - Jeff really backs down from Clyde ( he says he dont want to hurt Clyde by pushing him away LOL ) most of the time Jeff just stands there and Clyde will stare at his foot and the second Jeff moves Clyde attacks him -

How cute! I haven't had an aggressive rooster in quite awhile. They usually don't last very long here! (I don't kill them, but they usually go off to auction) I can't risk someone getting hurt with little kids around the barn.
I dont think I have to worry about Clyde hurting any one - he is just way to small to be a real threat LOL

He never chases me - just DH - so I keep him around to keep DH on his toes LOL


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