Need some help hen about 2 y/o has runny poo. Had fecal done and she has cocci. None of the other 5 have symptoms although I understand that this could become a flock issue. Their coop, run, waterers are extremely clean. The vet said coccidiosis is asymptomatic in adult birds and wasn't sure how to treat it. No help there. Can someone tell me exactly what to use and the dosage, how many days, when to repeat etc. A product that goes in the waterer seems ideal. I have different size waterers and can dilute an antibiotic as needed. I recently treated my goats with SMZ for cocci and probably contaminated the chicken run or yard from wearing my boots in the goat pasture. I know cocci are indigenous and are always present but I am still careful as coccidia can take them quick. Thanks for your help.