Cochin Americana Mix???? Bantam???


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
no idea what this supposed lady cochin americana mix actually is...



any thoughts?
That's what the guy I bought her from said she was but her coloring doesn't make sense for that to me
is she a he?
I thought d'uccle tails were supposed to be long and upright?...I have both right now and it looks like a d'uccle with a cochin tail. Although...the pic doesn't show the tail too clearly.

It also appears to be male
Son of a Beesting!!! The guy I bought them from seems to be a liar and a cheat... oh well I guess I will have to find a new home for a few of them... the tail is not as prominent as the other owner in the post below mine. It is very calm very very calm. If this is a bantam how old would you say? do the d'uccles come in a larger size? agh I am furious!
It could also just be from hatchery stock which would be why it's tail is not "normal". but yes, that is most definitely a boy. I have two almost 2 month old mille fleur d'uccles and their combs and tiny and yellow.

If I had to guess age looking at the size of the grass....1-2 months? If you decide to get more, you can tell females from males at 3 weeks old as males get large red combs early. They stay pretty small, and they do not come in a standard large fowl size.
grrr!!! He is super sweet but I am going to have to find another home for him as my DH said NO ROOSTERS!! He is also telling me to wait it out a few weeks to see if it gets any bigger that maybe it is a mix... not sure about that... and who knows maybe I have all boys in my flock!

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