Cochin? Gender?

Stevies Mom

In the Brooder
Dec 31, 2015
This is my little Henny (Henrietta), I am hoping for some help on determining gender. Six weeks old. This is the best shot I could get today. Loves to flutter around, I love watching her waddle run.

Hmm, well that picture is kind of hard to tell by, but I'm kinda thinking its a cockerel because of its comb on the top it looks really suspicious. Hope you can get more view points on this.
I think the top bird is female at this point.

Six weeks is still early, but the boys (Bantam Cochin) get pretty ridiculous red combs early.

However...upon closer inspection (thus I've edited my post)....on zoom, I see a taller tail (Cochins have more of a dust mop tail) and no bright yellow feet/legs. Plus the feet aren't completely feathered. I think you have a Cochin mix. A better picture with full side profile would help.

You should know in another month as to female/male, if the Bantam Cochin part sets the growth rate.

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Oooh Cochins are my specialty!! Where did she come from?? She looks like a typical hatchery quality Cochin pullet too me. All the Cochins I jave ever hatxhed have acted very rooish from the time they go in the brooder.
Oooh Cochins are my specialty!! Where did she come from?? She looks like a typical hatchery quality Cochin pullet too me. All the Cochins I jave ever hatxhed have acted very rooish from the time they go in the brooder.
I got Henny at the local feed store. I just love this little feathered sweetie pie. My luck lately is that most of the chicks have turned out to be roosters. I want hens!
Thank you for your time.

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