Cochin Pullet with bad hips


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2021
Adelaide Plains
We have this lovely Cochin pullet, who has been squatting like this for over a week. She is not egg bound, our Poultry club friends are thinking that she was mounted by our larger males and that this has damaged her legs/ hips.

How do I go about making her comfortable? I have her in my office to keep her warm, but no sleeping places seem to work for her.



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How old is she? Is a vet who could xray her back and hips a possibility? You might consider a chicken sling to help get her upright for several hours a day to eat and drink. Here is a good thread about making them and a video:
She is about 6 to 8 weeks, so a big baby, but a sling looks like a good thing to keep her comfortable while she heals. Thank you. A vet is definitely going to be looking at her when I can get her there. :)
You could also try some form of heat on her back and hips to see if that brings her some relief.

Thermacare are lightweight and most come with 'stick anywhere' Velcro to help find a way to keep them on for her- you could put a washcloth between her and the wrap. They come in a bunch of different shapes and sizes and many stores stock them. I've referenced an amazon link below to get you started.

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