Cock - a - doodle -roo!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
I just wanted to share with everyone that one of my roo's started crowing today. I was out watering all my chickens and he let loose. So I ran over to the outside run and stared at all of my chickens trying to find out who it was. Ten minutes later he ruffled his feathers and tried it again. I think he was pretty proud and suprised with himself!

He's starting to get pretty mean to the others. I noticed when he's at the feeder he chases everyone away from the food until he is done eating. I also saw him chasing another roo around the outside run.

Is he trying to show everyone who's boss?
Isn't that cool!?! It's like they just got the memo that they are the roo
I noticed our roo doing the same thing. I think before now he was just one of the flock now he is establishing himself.
Several of my "baby" roos are starting to crow as well...they are almost 19 weeks. Not all of them are brave enough to try....maybe because I laughed at a few of the others first attempts.
I have several that I think are roo's but sometimes it's hard to tell at almost 7 weeks. Well, just last week I started to hear crowing coming out of the chicken stall. It was about 4 days before I actually saw which guy was crowing.

He is the only one crowing now (I hear him all day long) so I can't wait to see who starts crowing next.

Take care,

Yep!! Hotwing is a roo and Nugget is a pullet!! That's what I figured, too. I think Hotwing is the one that you really like, too. He's such a sweetie. He doesn't like being caught but once you get him, he settles down like a nice boy. He loves to follow me around the yard, especially when I have a shovel in hand!

I told him to pose nice for you... He listens well!


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