Cock fighting behavior in chicks?


13 Years
May 20, 2009
Whidbey Island
Guess I'd seen this before and hadn't thought much about it. But does the 'cock fighting' posturing that goes on with chicks give any indication as to whether they will be roos or not? Or is it all just part of the 'pecking order' thing that starts shortly after they hatch?
I have 6 pullets that are chest bumping at the moment. When my bo girls were younger they did that all the time.
They are establishing their pecking order.
I have a bunch of 10 week old chicks, 3 females and 4 males and one of the females (yes, definite female) pounds on all the boys, wins every tussle. It's not an indicator of sex in chicks. The girls are fussing with the girls, girls fussing with the guys, etc.
How about the collar of feathers? I have a 'pullet' who is eight weeks old and I swear I just saw her with a clown-collar of feathers standing up facing off against one of the boys. Does this make her a roo, or just a bold pullet?

(BTW - I enjoyed your SOP, SpeckledHen!
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My EE will lower her head and ruff her hackles up when she's excited and flying all around. She's all pullet though.
The most feminine, cuddly, and sweet-looking of my Faverolles is currently top pullet. She's a tough little wench. She puffs up and challenges everybody who goes near her, and across the board they all back down. One of the Brahmas gives her the biggest run for her money, but in the end the beast in cutie's clothing always wins out. It'll be interesting to see if the flock dynamic changes as the Brahmas become the largest members.

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