Cockerel or Pullet


Dec 12, 2015
New to chicken...We bought 3 Ameraucana pullets that are now 6 months old and the red one has started crowing and we are curious about the black one since it is similar in size and features.

That's for all the question; how do I tell the difference at this age (4-6 months)? I know the curved tail feathers are one however the white speckled bird does not have the long curved tail feathers or have they just not developed yet?
Males are usually bright pink in the combs by 10 weeks old. Pullets don't even begin to start to pink up until about 14 weeks old. By about 8 weeks old, red/gold-base color males already have 'rooster' red coming in on the shoulders/wing area. By about 14 to 16 weeks old; the long, thin, pointed male feathering is usually very visible. The hackle/neck feathers begin to take on a distinctly 'Fabio' type look. The saddleback feathers are long, very thin, and taper to a point.

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