Cold Feet Chickens.........


10 Years
May 17, 2009
Hello, I am wondering if someone out there could tell me why my two Buff Rocks have like a red tinge on the creases of their toes. I live in upstate New York. So, I am wondering if they have cold feet? It has not gone black. So I assume the rash is not really serious frost bite. They are in with a bunch of other chicken, and everyone else seems fine... They are locked in a coop at night, and they can roam around outside during the day. Any ideas out there?
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hellll0000:) Has the pink tinge always been there?? Some of mine have it too but they've always had it. Im not worried if you think they are cold pick them up anf feel their legs and feet-I do. My duck followed me out of his pen today and followed me all over the proprty so I could feed teh chickens and such-then he followed me all the way up to my house! Needless to say thats along walk in a foot of snow for a duck-he deserved to come in and get a nice warm bath with peas! then he walked all the way back down he feet were warm the whole time-I felt them before putting back in his pen....
Hey Lisa can you get a good picture of their feet so we know what were looking at? Maybe from that it will answer alot of questions??
I also noticed some red toes on the light footed chooks. They were fine later in the day when it warmed up and there was a bit of snow in the runs. Coincidence? don't you hate it when you notice something and wonder has always been that way and you never noticed?
i notice that on my girls too. only happens in the winter but nothing bad has ever come of it. i would call it the equivalent to rosy cheeks when we are out in the cold for a while, but i am no expert.
Birds have a very elaborate system for keeping their feet warm even in icy conditions. It has a fancy latin or french name that I cannot think of at the moment of course. I suspect what you are seeing has something to do with the increased blood flow to their feet. As long as they can roost properly (over their feet) I wouldn't worry about them keeping their feet warm.

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