Color questions


May 9, 2017
Not sure if this is the right thread...curious about a few things.
When it comes to a speckled sussex hen, how is that transferred to chicks? Is it like barring?
And then what about Chocolate Orpingtons? I lost my rooster but have two hens left. Breeding to another color, just for backyard mix, is it like black?
Couldn't find anything on these two.
Thanks ^_^
Roos I currently have:
Mixed buff orpington(buff/white/red)
Lavender orpington
Blue copper marans
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Not sure if this is the right thread...curious about a few things.
When it comes to a speckled sussex hen, how is that transferred to chicks? Is it like barring?
And then what about Chocolate Orpingtons? I lost my rooster but have two hens left. Breeding to another color, just for backyard mix, is it like black?
Couldn't find anything on these two.
Thanks ^_^
Roos I currently have:
Mixed buff orpington(buff/white/red)
Silver orpington
Blue copper marans
Speckled Sussex are mottled, which is a simple recessive gene. Completely different from barring.
Chocolate is sexlinked. If you breed your chocolate orpington hens, the hens will be black and the males will be black carrying chocolate. Other genes depend on the rooster bred to, but I think all of them would have gold or silver leakage.
This might help:

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