In the Brooder
- Nov 19, 2015
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Hello, I'm new to the forum (long time lurmer though) but not new to chickens. I've been keeping them for about 5 years now. Mostly in Florida but since our move to Colorado and one long year chicken free we finally own our home and have started an all new flock! Currently we have 2 mottled Cochin bantams ( 1 a roo wearing his no crow collar) a speckled Sussex, golden cuckoo maran,and a silver laced wyndotte. In the past I have e kept many breeds as I love variety. I've had red laced blue wyndotte, Orpington, Rhode island red, brown Leghorn, easter eggers, welsumer, barred rocks and various mixes of these breeds since I almost always end up with a roo. But I do love them the best! I'm excited to learn from you all.