Colored Broilers @ 6 weeks- weights & pics


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Took their "evening meal" away this week in an effort to slow down their growing a wee bit- I don't want them outgrowing their legs and some were almost looking a bit wobbly. Because of this, we have weights of a "mere" 3 lbs 13 oz.


He refused to look at me- I think he has grown tired of being referred to as "tasty looking...."


Sorry, I didn't get a real clear shot of the weight this time and am too lazy to go outside and take another one. If you look close you can see the 4 pound mark.
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Thanks for keeping up with the weights and photos. We actually really like a 4 lb bird for just the two of us. And you're nearly there already woohoo.
I had planned on butchering them at 11 weeks-but some may go sooner it would seem. Of course, I would imagine the growth will start slowing down soon as well. Kind of an experiment for us- an interesting one anyway! I would love the big ones for myself-I can never get enough roasted chicken! But most people aren't going to be anxious to pay more than $20 for a chicken I think. I am noticing a big difference now in size based on color- the darker ones, the "red broilers" definitely seem to be filling out fastest, with the smallest ones being the yellow ones. I have only a handful of yellow ones, but they are barely past the 3 lb mark. From what I have read, they will all finish pretty close to the same size though.
I love my colored range broilers. Just wait until you actually eat one.

Regarding the weight, they are ready now. I sell more 3-4 lb chickens (dressed) and the larger ones, and the demand for the smaller birds vastly outweighs my production abilities. The larger birds, though, we end up eating ourselves as they can be hard sells.

6 lb live weight is plenty bit, go for it!
They are not quite 4 lbs now...I think you mis-read my post perhaps? I have been following your posts on your broilers though, and noted you said it was easier to sell the smaller birds, which is one reason I am watching them closely lest they outweigh their potential profitability! I can forsee that some might reach that 6 pound mark by 8 or 9 weeks though, so I may not have to grow them to 11 weeks as I had initially planned. We are raising them on organic feed, and selling them for $4/ lb. I have 14 of the 60 I plan to sell already sold, and several other people who have said they will order, but have not actually given me a number yet. I am hoping to have them all sold before I process them. Whatever I dont sell, I will have NO problem enjoying myself! I roasted the last of the good, pastured chicken I had purchased from a Mennonite farm about two months ago, and just cant bear to eat that garbage the store sells. Where we are, getting decent meat, let alone organic meat, is almost impossible. We are not calling them organic as we can't meet quite ALL of the criteria this year, but next year we are hoping to be certified organic if there appears to eb a decent market for it here. Kind of testing the waters right now....
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CAN i SAID WHERE DID YA FINE w scale like that I looking for one to live weigh my x-rock's - chicken and turkeys before I SEND THEM OFF TO HUNGRY BELLY LAND ........i like the looks of it what weight does it go to I was thing about perchance one of those scale like they use to weight fruits and vegetable with a home made tray attachment to hole the birds to weight them
I got it at Walmart for lesss than $10-it goes only to 7 lbs though. Works fine for little chicks as the bowl holds them nicely. As you can see, they do not fit real well on it anymore. I am looking for a bigger one that doesnt cost a fortune- so far, no luck.

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