Columbian Wyandotte?


10 Years
Nov 2, 2009
North Texas
So, I have been watching this little chicken develop, and I am beginning to think maybe a Columbian Wyandotte since that is one of the possible breeds, but she seems to have a single comb...I guess hatchery stock wyandottes sometimes have single combs...what do you think? Here is the possible breed list, and her latest pictures...also, I am thinking she is looking a bit rooish in these pics... :(

Excuse the mess...I plucked her away from her water for pictures!

Here is a shot of her single comb from when she was a bit smaller.

These are the potential rare breeds from the hatchery: The rest of my order included a speckled Sussex, two easter eggers, a black copper marans, and a white leghorn

  • Buckeye
  • Ancona
  • Easter Egger
  • Ameraucana (Wheaten, Blue, Black, Splash)
  • Black Sumatra
  • Andalusian (Blue, Black, or Splash)
  • Appenzeller Spitzhauben
  • Sicilian Buttercup
  • Salmon Faverolles
  • Golden Campine
  • Buff Chantecler
  • Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
  • Barnevelder
  • Brahma (Buff Brahma, Light Brahma)
  • Marans (Silver Cuckoo, Golden Cuckoo, Black Copper, Blue Copper, Blue Splash, White)
  • Dominique
  • Columbian Wyandotte
  • Dark Cornish
  • Cochin
  • Welsummer
  • White Sultan
  • Polish (Assorted colors)
  • Exchequer Leghorn
  • Speckled Sussex
  • Hamburg (Assorted colors)
  • Lakenvelder (Silver, Golden)
  • Partridge Penedesenca
  • Jersey Giant
  • Blue Orpington
  • Silver Grey Dorking
  • Egyptian Fayoumi
  • Black Langshans
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They don't seem to be on the list, but my first guess would have been Delaware. It does look pretty hefty, so would keep an eye on it as a potential roo.
I'm glad I'm not alone, cause I looked at it and thought Delaware. That really looks like barring in the hackle/neck feathers, vs the solid dark color you'd see on a colombian bird. The leg color looks a little funky, too. Maybe speckledhen will come along and validate us, she's seen lots of Dellie chicks.

edited--with your choice of pure Ameraucanas, I'm guessing Meyer hatchery, and they do have Delawares. I'm pretty sure that's what you got. Maybe not rare, but a nice all-around bird.
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I used mypetchicken (which is somehow related to meyer, but the time I ordered meyer birds, they were weak, and many died). I have never had a problem with them, and yes, I thought it looked like a delaware too...I even saved the pics in my computer as delaware 1 2 and 3, but then realize that was not on the list of possibles according to the hatchery list. I also think she looks like a potential he, especially next to my white leghorn, who has NO color in her comb yet, but I have learned to seems like in this phase, it is quite difficult to guess their genders. Many I was certain were roos turned out to be pullets once they got some more age to them. So, for now, it seems as if we all think (s)he is a Delaware, huh? lol

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