So, I have been watching this little chicken develop, and I am beginning to think maybe a Columbian Wyandotte since that is one of the possible breeds, but she seems to have a single comb...I guess hatchery stock wyandottes sometimes have single combs...what do you think? Here is the possible breed list, and her latest pictures...also, I am thinking she is looking a bit rooish in these pics...
Excuse the mess...I plucked her away from her water for pictures!
Here is a shot of her single comb from when she was a bit smaller.
These are the potential rare breeds from the hatchery: The rest of my order included a speckled Sussex, two easter eggers, a black copper marans, and a white leghorn
Excuse the mess...I plucked her away from her water for pictures!
Here is a shot of her single comb from when she was a bit smaller.
These are the potential rare breeds from the hatchery: The rest of my order included a speckled Sussex, two easter eggers, a black copper marans, and a white leghorn
- Buckeye
- Ancona
- Easter Egger
- Ameraucana (Wheaten, Blue, Black, Splash)
- Black Sumatra
- Andalusian (Blue, Black, or Splash)
- Appenzeller Spitzhauben
- Sicilian Buttercup
- Salmon Faverolles
- Golden Campine
- Buff Chantecler
- Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
- Barnevelder
- Brahma (Buff Brahma, Light Brahma)
- Marans (Silver Cuckoo, Golden Cuckoo, Black Copper, Blue Copper, Blue Splash, White)
- Dominique
- Columbian Wyandotte
- Dark Cornish
- Cochin
- Welsummer
- White Sultan
- Polish (Assorted colors)
- Exchequer Leghorn
- Speckled Sussex
- Hamburg (Assorted colors)
- Lakenvelder (Silver, Golden)
- Partridge Penedesenca
- Jersey Giant
- Blue Orpington
- Silver Grey Dorking
- Egyptian Fayoumi
- Black Langshans
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