Comb questions on Wyandottes **pics**


Snuggles with Chickens
9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Rockport, Tx
I need someone experienced with wyandottes or at least combs. My 'packing peanut' wyandottes have combs that look different; some look like, well....a comb and some look more like a wad of chewing gum. Is there any difference as far as gender or is it just a breed preferred standard kind of thing. I would love for one or some to be pulletts. Let me know what you think, please...
The one on the left has the regular comb, the right the 'gum' looking comb

This is better of the flat little 'gum' comb
The rose comb is the correct comb for the wyandotte breed...the one in your bottom picture is a rose comb. A single comb isn't what they should have, but a lot of hatchery birds do have them.
Thank you so much, that makes sense. Ideal included 10 'peanuts' and I was hoping that the odds are at least one is a pullet. Still too soon to tell really, but we'll see. Thanks again, y'all are great...
I have a few SLW and GLW. One of the GLW has a straight comb, it's not the correct comb, but like someone said: it's common from hatchery quality Ws.

My SLW are obviously girls now. This was one of them at 7 weeks old. Their combs got pink sooner than any of the other chicks. But, they don't have any formed combs like yours do. I think yours are boys. Sorry.
I had same thing happen with mine and my hatchery gave me a full credit for the birds that weren't "right".... So I got some dominiques, what do u know some of them don't have the rose comb they're supposed to have... So I'll be calling them, but I think they should require more from their suppliers...
Katy: I'm pretty sure they are roos, too. The only one of the wyandottes that I think might be a little girl was not cooperating with a portrait this evening. I couldn't hold him/her and take an in focus picture. Its OK if all 10 are roos, after all; they were free 'peanuts'.

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