Combine an order of Freedom Rangers in SE Idaho


10 Years
May 29, 2009
South East Idaho
I am going to place an order for 50 chicks in April. Is anyone interested in combining orders to bump up to the 100 chick price? Let me know in the next little while. Their hatch dates are filling fast.
Did you know we have a new hatchery here in SW Idaho? He is selling meat birds CX and I think broilers that he hatches here (not drop shipped). I checked out his facilites the other day and was super impressed, and he is NPIP as well - which as you know is pretty unheard of in this state.
yeah that's how I felt too. plus all the savings in shipping! i didn't post it because I have to go find where I left his flyer, his web site is in the works and not up yet. but I'll get right back to you with it.

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