Concerned about chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2016
Hello BYC!

I don't know if this classifies as an emergency, but for several days i have been worried about my chicks. They're aroind 2-3 weeks of age, and currently live in the shed. They are fed non medicated chick feed, and have access to fresh water daily. However, the problem that I've been noticing, is that most of them seem to have a very enlarged portion on their necks. At first, I thought it was their crop, but this seems too big for that. I ordered them from Ideal Poultry in Texas. I have around 12 assirted breeds, and I'm concerned. Attached, I have a few photos of my Naked Neck chick. The mass is most noticing on her.



Neither of thise links seemed to work for me. However, as much as I've noticed, it is pretty much always like that. I will check tomorrow morning to see if it goes down at all, as I usually don't have time in the mornings to do much more than check that they have food and water.
I forgot to add, on most chicks, it feels pretty hard. However, I checked and all 12 seem to have it. Does it seem to be the crop that is enflamed? About a week ago, they did have an issue with the water not being fastened correctly, and flooded their enclosure. I had two chicks that I found half dead, unable to breathe or chirp because their airways were clogged with wet bedding. I was able to save one chick, but it was too late to save the other one. Could it be that the chicks ingested the wet bedding and it is causing a problem in their crop? Attached I have a photo of the two chicks I found half-dead, along with what their enclosure looked like.

It looks like it's in the right position to be the crop. The crop is on the chest slightly to the right. If you really wanted to know you could maybe take the food out for a night and see if they are emptied out by morning. But I would use that as a last resort since that would be kind of cruel for growing baby chicks. Otherwise check like when you said when you get up in the morning, they should be emptied out. If not you may have a problem. Have you been supplementing them with a little chick grit? If not that might be a good idea since it helps with grinding food down in the crop. I hope this isn't a problem and there are no bumps in the morning! Your little naked neck is a cutie!
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I forgot to add, on most chicks, it feels pretty hard. However, I checked and all 12 seem to have it. Does it seem to be the crop that is enflamed? About a week ago, they did have an issue with the water not being fastened correctly, and flooded their enclosure. I had two chicks that I found half dead, unable to breathe or chirp because their airways were clogged with wet bedding. I was able to save one chick, but it was too late to save the other one. Could it be that the chicks ingested the wet bedding and it is causing a problem in their crop? Attached I have a photo of the two chicks I found half-dead, along with what their enclosure looked like.
Offer Chick Grit if you feel like they are ingesting shaving.

If they are in a brooder with a lamp on 24/7 they will eat at all hours. The only way to check crop function would be to let them eat, then take away food/water for a several hours and see if the crops are reduced.

But with all 12 having it, I think you are just seeing their crop.
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