Hello there, brand new to this site and decided to make an account after hours of searching for hours.
I have 4 chicks of 4 different breeds and they were growing so well in their brood. Once 5 weeks hit, we decided to migrate them to their outdoor coop and full yard. They are currently 8 weeks old and it seems like they haven't gotten much larger. I love them a lot and I may be overly concerned.. but I'm wondering if we made some mistake.
They have food available at all hours except when they are in their coop for the night. They go to bed around 8:30 and we let them out around 4:30-5 am. We use Dumor starter feed and keep it filled. Once every 2 days I spread some of their feed around the yard to maybe encourage more food consumption but I am unsure if that's helping.
I often hand feed them and they seem to always run to me when I do this. Even if their food is right next to me. They act as if they are so hungry. I'm not sure if that's normal behavior or if I'm teaching them a bad habit to eat when I hand feed them. I'm kinda lost here. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Oh! And once a day maybe once every 2 days, I feed them a handful of grapes as a treat. I don't know if that's important or not.
In the photo, The black chick is a Jersy Giant, the grey is a Saphire Olive, the brown is a Buckeye, and the small tan one is a Dutch Bantam. As far as I know they are all hens. Do they seem like they are normal healthy sizes and I'm worrying for nothing or did I screw this up?
I have 4 chicks of 4 different breeds and they were growing so well in their brood. Once 5 weeks hit, we decided to migrate them to their outdoor coop and full yard. They are currently 8 weeks old and it seems like they haven't gotten much larger. I love them a lot and I may be overly concerned.. but I'm wondering if we made some mistake.
They have food available at all hours except when they are in their coop for the night. They go to bed around 8:30 and we let them out around 4:30-5 am. We use Dumor starter feed and keep it filled. Once every 2 days I spread some of their feed around the yard to maybe encourage more food consumption but I am unsure if that's helping.
I often hand feed them and they seem to always run to me when I do this. Even if their food is right next to me. They act as if they are so hungry. I'm not sure if that's normal behavior or if I'm teaching them a bad habit to eat when I hand feed them. I'm kinda lost here. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Oh! And once a day maybe once every 2 days, I feed them a handful of grapes as a treat. I don't know if that's important or not.
In the photo, The black chick is a Jersy Giant, the grey is a Saphire Olive, the brown is a Buckeye, and the small tan one is a Dutch Bantam. As far as I know they are all hens. Do they seem like they are normal healthy sizes and I'm worrying for nothing or did I screw this up?