Confirmation that these 8 week old Kochin mix bantams are pullets.


9 Years
Dec 27, 2014
I'm considering buying two of these supposed pullets, but they look awfully suspicious to me. I feel like their faces look pretty pink for being 8 weeks old, but then again, Kochins seem to develop quickly.
All appear to be pullets except the MF looking on on the end in the second pic. The one is a bit red, but I don't see any significant comb growth. Can they provide you better face pics?

Bantam Cochin cockerels are quick to show their gender.
All appear to be pullets except the MF looking on on the end in the second pic. The one is a bit red, but I don't see any significant comb growth. Can they provide you better face pics?

Bantam Cochin cockerels are quick to show their gender.
Thank you for the response. I asked her for updated pictures, since they're now also older than in those pictures (11 weeks).
All appear to be pullets except the MF looking on on the end in the second pic. The one is a bit red, but I don't see any significant comb growth. Can they provide you better face pics?

Bantam Cochin cockerels are quick to show their gender.
She sent a photo with their brother, and comparing to that they're most definitely pullets. The one where you can't see the face is a little pinker, but nowhere close to that dude in the front.

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