Confused on gathering and incubating


Aug 2, 2019
Hello all you wonderful insightful folks! Such an exciting time of year! My ducks have finally reached laying age and we have 2 eggs each morning for the last week. One is large and one is small like the size of a large chicken egg..what I need help on is they have been mated with some drakes we have and now that I am gathering them what do I do? Do I store them in a certain position then incubate and candle on day 7 to see if they are fertile? What then if I don't want to hatch? What if I collect and gather and we just want to eat them. What do I do after I gather confused on all this...thank you!
You can eat them if they're fertile. It won't affect the taste or anything. I have a rooster with my hens right now and we eat their fertile eggs. If you want to hatch you can just lay them in a carton somewhere cool until you have however many you want to incubate. Tip the carton by putting a book or something under one end in the morning and then in the evening putting it on the other side. There is lots of conflicting information on storing eggs, but that is what I do and it works just fine.
You can eat them if they're fertile. It won't affect the taste or anything. I have a rooster with my hens right now and we eat their fertile eggs. If you want to hatch you can just lay them in a carton somewhere cool until you have however many you want to incubate. Tip the carton by putting a book or something under one end in the morning and then in the evening putting it on the other side. There is lots of conflicting information on storing eggs, but that is what I do and it works just fine.
Thank you for that awesome and helpful info! My follow up to you is how long do I do that tipping process for before i need to put them in the imcubator? Thanks again-
Hello all you wonderful insightful folks! Such an exciting time of year! My ducks have finally reached laying age and we have 2 eggs each morning for the last week. One is large and one is small like the size of a large chicken egg..what I need help on is they have been mated with some drakes we have and now that I am gathering them what do I do? Do I store them in a certain position then incubate and candle on day 7 to see if they are fertile? What then if I don't want to hatch? What if I collect and gather and we just want to eat them. What do I do after I gather confused on all this...thank you!
That is nice to hear that your ducks are striving, I hope my ducks will do the same. I hope I can hear from you more. please keep me posted.. thank you.

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