- Mar 7, 2009
- 7
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- 7
This is our first attempt at incubation with 6 silkie bantam eggs. We first candled the eggs on day 7 using an LED torch and couldn't really see anything... so we waited and candled again on day 9 and saw nothing in 5 of the eggs and a definite embryo in 1. Its now day 13... we just candled the eggs again.... 5 definitely have nothing in... the one with the embryo seems to be full! Cant see any light through it at all! The thing is, the egg with the embryo in has been "weeping" slightly for over a week now... any thoughts? I know someone is going to say "get rid of the weeping egg", but its grown ( or seems to have) in the last 4 days. Is the fact that we cant see any light through it at this stage normal?