Photobomb Contest
Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon (all poultry welcome)
Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon (all poultry welcome)
Do you have a camera hog in your flock?
This contest is for photos of domestic poultry who've inserted themselves (uninvited) into your photographs!
This contest is for photos of domestic poultry who've inserted themselves (uninvited) into your photographs!
ANY domestic fowl accepted!
Judges will choose finalists,
and then YOU vote for your favorites!
2 entries per contestant
Winner gets first choice of the prizes below, runners-up (in order of votes)
get choice of remaining prizes:
Prize #1
12+ Hen's Choice Hatching Eggs (donated by uphilljill)
This barnyard mix and may include eggs from Midget White turkey, Pearl Guinea fowl, LF Barred Plymouth Rock, and Barred Rock/BLR Wyandotte crosses (up to the ladies at time of collection)
Prize #2
8+ Olive Egger Hatching Eggs Hatching Eggs (donated by Penny Hen)
Maran/Am cross
Prize #3
Hen Saddle, size L (donated by uphilljill)
If anyone else wants to donate prizes, please let me know!
Contest Rules:
1. Open to all BYC members in the Continental U.S. (due to shipping of eggs.)
2. Contestants may submit no more than 2 photos.
3. Photos of any domestic fowl accepted.
4. Your submission must be your own photo and not used in a previous contest.
5. No photoshop allowed.
6. To submit your entries, simply post your photos in this thread.
7. Judges will choose finalists, and then YOU vote for your favorites.
POST your images in this thread!
If you have not joined in the Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon, join us here:
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