Converted old storage shed to our coop!


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Collinsville, Oklahoma
My wife and I used an old storage shed and converted it to our coop. Worked out great, we layered the walls with plywood and made vents at the top for the walls for good air flow, nesting boxes, roosts, . We added a nice run area up too it and .... TAA DAA!!!! A heck of a nice coop and run in the back of our 1 acre yard!!! We have it close to our garden, so it really works out well. We have our coop, compost bin and garden in a great working area in the yard.

We are pretty proud of our set up... worked out really great!!!
Sounds great! I was thinking of doing something like this also as pre made coops can be SO pricey. I have chicks coming this week. For the time being my husband is renovating an old dog house into a coop but we really want something bigger/better before next winter. I would love to see pictures if you have any!
I would love to see a picture of your coop! My husband is going to build me a new one this spring. (I need a bigger one....I've become a chick-a-holic.....) LOL

How many chickens do you have?

Super cool! I love repurposing! I'm in the process of converting a dog run that someone built off the side of our garage into a coop. Speaking of... I need to get on that! The babies will be big before I know it

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