Coop progress pics in Texas


May 14, 2020
Sunny South Texas
Got the run door painted and hot wire put around the perimeter šŸ˜Š. Now all thatā€™s left is to do the staining on the rest of the run ā˜ŗļø. Iā€™m so ready to put this place to use šŸ˜†


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How is run attached to coop?
Any plan for rain runoff from coop roof into run....
.....or do yo not get enough rain to worry about it?
How is run attached to coop?
Any plan for rain runoff from coop roof into run....
.....or do yo not get enough rain to worry about it?
Yes we will be installing a gutter system but we really dont get heavy rains very often. We attached the run using some 2x4 s that we connected to the coop creating little walls and then covering them with hardware cloth like the rest of the walls. It wasnt to hard.
Did you make your own plans? The house is cute do you have pictures if the inside
I actually ordered the plans on etsy but ended up doubling the size of it. I haven't taken any pics of the inside yet. I did put some linoleum down for easier cleaning. I also have the roost bars all on the extension part so they don't block the nest boxes. We also made a slide out poop board that goes under the roost bars too. I did my own changes to make this as user friendly as possible :)

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