Corid treat all or just one?


Chicken Lover, Duck Therapist
6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
South Park, Colorado, USA
Based on my reading here I'm going to treat a bird for cocci in hopes of saving her. I only have 4 pullets. Should I treat all? Should I leave her in the coop with everyone else or keep her inside the house for a bit? She just sits all puffed up and doesn't want to do anything. She seemed normal yesterday and now seems horrible. Didn't even move when I tried to catch her, I normally have to chase her around. I had one pullet like this 2 weeks ago and the next day she was dead so I am very concerned. She has fermented food and I foced down some sugar water this morning since she does not show interest in eating or drinking.
Also she had some discharge from nose but for past week I was treating with tylan for respiratory problems (which generally worked because all others that were sneezing and wheezing have stopped) and wondering if she was run down from this and more succeptible to cocci?
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How old is she?

You may want to bring her in so you can monitor her food/water intake and get a fresh poop sample to take to your vet for testing. If you are treating for Cocci, make sure the Corid water is the only water available. Encourage her to eat her normal food and add a little extra protein like egg or tuna.

Let us know how she is doing.
this is how I have treated my chickens. I separate them from the others I mix probiotics and 1-2 small drop of the cocci in 3-4 tablespoons of water then I open their peak and squirt some in. I do this every 2 hours through out the day and usually by the next day they are eating and drink I do also mix the cocci in their water I haven't lost one yet and usually within 2-4 days the poop is back to normal and I put them back in with the flock however I treat everyone for 5 days.
Thanks! I have fermented feed, I was thinking of putting some of the ferment water in a syringe and trying to get her to eat that, should be full of probiotics. I will keep trying to force some water with corid regularly then and hopefully by tomorrow she will drink on her own.
Thanks! I have fermented feed, I was thinking of putting some of the ferment water in a syringe and trying to get her to eat that, should be full of probiotics. I will keep trying to force some water with corid regularly then and hopefully by tomorrow she will drink on her own.
Originally Posted by PirateGirl

Here is my fluffy pullet
she just looks like a football, you can't tell where her head, tail or feet are, she doesn't stretch her neck out and sits crouched down or huddled with wings dropping and feet covered. I was gone almost 3 hours and when I got home she was in the exact same position I'd left her.
I would treat with Corid. Dosage is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder per gallon or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon.
Treat for 5-7days and make sure this is the ONLY source of water available.

Provide her with wet chick starter and see that she is drinking well. After you finish the 5-7 treatment of Corid, offer poultry vitamins and probiotics/yogurt.

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